Monday, May 30, 2011


These are just too delicious to let slip by. From The Guardian - a preview of an upcoming exhibition of the work of Tony Ray-Jones, photos from the late 1960s, documenting English life "before it became too Americanised".

Butlin's Holiday Camp, Clacton-on-Sea, 1966

Brighton Beach, 1966

Beauty Contest Southport, 1967

Windsor Horse Show, 1967

Derby Day, Epsom, 1967

Chelsea Flower Show, 1968

Click to enlarge

(Photographs Tony Ray-Jones, National Media Museum, SSPL, Getty Images, via The Guardian.)


Anonymous said...

How much "Americanisation" is "too Americanized"? Seems to me the more accurate moniker is "when it was less Americanized than it now is."

Word verification: "mented" (as in, I suppose, not de-)

wanderer said...

To which the reflex less mindful answer is 'any'. Enjoyed the 's' to 'z', thank you. I'm wondering more and more if the absorption of a hegemonic culture is at best, or worst, relatively superficial, excluding the media and its crass ways. While styles may have changed, i suspect similar themed shots would reveal that the personality of the place and the people hasn't changed. Nor here in nanny-land.

Smorg said...

Ha! Interesting finds! :oD Gotta say.. having someone sitting around sipping tea in a shot would testify to the pre-Americanized time indeed. ;o)